2024 Request for Proposals ("RFP") for MISO Capacity

Charles River Associates (“CRA”) is requesting binding proposals from interested parties (“Bidders”) to acquire firm electric capacity within the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) region. CRA is soliciting interest on behalf of a MISO Market Participant physically located in the MISO region (“Buyer”) for:

- MISO Zonal Resource Credits (“ZRC”) from MISO Zones 1-7
- Unit contingent Power Purchase Agreements (“PPA“) for energy and capacity
- System power PPA agreements for energy and capacity
- Financial arrangements for MISO capacity and energy
- Non-MISO based offers for capacity that may offer a hedge against MISO resource requirements

The RFP is soliciting capacity for each of the 2027-2028 through 2031-2032 MISO Planning Years. Competitive proposals for a combination of planning years will be accepted for evaluation. In addition, any combination of seasonal or annual offers will be evaluated and considered.

The buyer will accept ZRC or PPA bids for MISO Zones 1 –7. In addition, resources external to MISO with either firm transmission access to MISO or a demonstrated ability to obtain firm transmission to MISO will be accepted.

Several important milestone dates for the RFP process are shown below:

RFP ReleaseMay 15, 2024
Notice of Intent DueMay 22, 2024
Proposals Due from Bidders June 5, 2024
Notification of AwardOn or before June 26, 2024
Completion of Binding Term SheetTBD
Contract ExecutionTBD